Thursday, June 30, 2011

#29 July update - Rife therapy

I’ll call this an early July update since it’s so late in June. Becky finished her round of radiation therapy a couple of weeks ago. She had opted for the radiation in the hope of minimizing some of the pain she had been experiencing. In all fairness to the process it *did* make a dent in her pain level for a couple of weeks…. Although it failed to reduce it by the level we had hoped for.

Meanwhile her “chemo” has transitioned from her daily pill into a once a month pair of injections. The substance is clear and about the consistency of Kero syrup and the number of cc’s is enough to construct a small 2 cycle weed whacker engine! The process does not appear fun in the least but thankfully it’s only once a month.

Since we were in a position to do so we have finally opted for the purchase of the modern evolution of the Rife machine. The unit is called the GB4000 and it is a frequency generator. In testing it is the -only- frequency generator capable of producing harmonic frequencies as the 1930’s vacuum tube Rife machines did. Thus it is the only frequency generator able to accurately reproduce the full spectrum of frequencies necessary to “devitalize” pathogens in the body.

The methodology of the Rife machine is fairly easy to understand. If you are old enough to remember the seeing a singer break a wine glass with her voice then you have seen the underlying principle. Microbes and all cells for that matter have an oscillatory rate at which their outer membranes can no longer maintain integrity. So identify the virus or microbe you wish to eliminate…. Select the appropriate frequency range and turn on the power. At either the prime frequency or one of it’s harmonic variants the target will simply loose integrity and come apart. Since these frequencies are very specific targeting can also be quite specific.

Dr. Rife identified cancer as basically a virus and those he worked on always fell into either an X group or a Y group. Thus they were labeled the BX and BY viruses. So by targeting these two groups the odds are you can eliminate the trigger which causes cancer in the first place….. And also kill whatever cancer is already growing. This is not an overnight cure but it can produce results in a matter of months.

Dr. Rife had a cancer center north of San Diego send him patience which they had declared terminal….. NO hope of recovery from cancer whatsoever. Of all these people previously declared “dead men walking” by mainstream medicine….. Rife cured 80% of them within 90 days! Cured!! NO sign of cancer left in their bodies at all…. None! Of the 20% remaining Dr. Rife adjusted this treatment frequencies and durations which resulted in those persons eventually being cured as well. Thus Dr. Rife was successful in curing 100% of *terminal* cancer patience. His methods work!!

We have begun therapy with this system as an adjunct to that we are still getting at the Arlington Cancer Center. Lab work and imaging will eventually tell us how we’re doing. We’ll let you know more when we do.

Until next time…….. Peace.

Royal Raymond Rife background information

More Rife resources

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