Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#28 June update

It's been a bit bumpy lately. Becky opted to give limited chemo and radiation a try in an attempt to check the bone cancer. I believe I mentioned in some other posting that scans had shown evidence of cancer in three of her vertebra plus the ball of her left hip joint and the socket of her right hips joint.

The chemo consists of two huge injections in her hips. The compound is Fasladex and it is the next step up the ladder of estrogen inhibitors. Actually it doesn't inhibit estrogen itself.... rather it attaches to the estrogen receptors on the cancer which blocks it's ability to capture and metabolize estrogen. I'll have to check on the dose but each injection sure looks close to 8 to 10cc to me. Both together would add up to the displacement of a small Weedeater engine!! If the amount isn't bad enough (and it leaves a sizable knot in each hip) the consistency of the liquid is that of Kero syrup. Okay.... made that cold Kero syrup.

Radiation therapy was targeted at the hips from the front and rear as was the treatment for the spine. Most of it went well but the beam going in through her chest to her spine also managed to pass through her esophagus. That being more sensitive to radiation than other parts it started to swell until it was nearly closed. Even drinking water became painful for her. Becky's weight bottomed out between 123 and 124 pounds and may slip a bit more before her throat is back to normal. Today was a much better day for her so far as swallowing went.... but while constricted her stomach shrank some more. Thus she will be really hungry and 7 to 10 bites into her meal she is stuffed and can't eat anymore. Great for loosing weight but that's NOT something she needs to be doing.

After seeing her endure the pain of the injections and the massive discomfort of the radiation I got back into research mode again. One of the last therapy alternatives that we've yet to try is electrotherapy via frequency generator..... or Rife machine. We'd avoided it due to cost but after seeing what radiation costs it looks much more practical now. (I calculated that for roughly 6.7 hours of initial scans, molds and therapy the cost was $3880.60 per hour.) A frequency generator capable of duplicating the frequencies, and more importantly the harmonics thereof, to affect cancer represents an expense of only about $2600. It can be used whenever we want to use it..... both of us can use it for improved health..... and different frequency settings "devitalize" different pathogens so it's effective on much more than just cancer.

Rife's body of work is truly mind boggling. In all he spent over 30 years perfecting his "beam ray" device and testing it on every known pathogen. How effective was he? As part of a trial he asked a cancer hospital in San Jose to send him terminal cancer patients. When Rife got these people some literally had only weeks to live. In a 90 day trial cycle Raymond Rife CURED 80% of the terminal patience placed in his care! 80%!!!!! Given more time to adjust his therapy his overall CURE rate for TERMINAL cancer patience was 100%. Read that again. 100% CURE rate!!!

So how come we still have cancer and Rife isn't a medical god? Human greed. Rife, almost all of his research papers, his labs and his devices were systematically destroyed by the then head of the FDA. Why? Rife thought his research should help people... not generate huge profits. The head of the FDA wanted Rife to make him a 50% partner in the machines so he could profit and become rich. Rife refused.... and the power of the government came crashing down upon him. Rather than being famous for curing cancer (and every other disease know to mankind) Rife died a poor, unknown alcoholic...... totally destroyed by the greed of one man.

For an informative read..... and more technical information than you may wish to encounter... try following this link: http://www.rense.com/general31/rife.htm

That's it for today, boys and girls. I have a little black kitty demanding attention (not to mention helping me type by walking on the keyboard) so I need to love on her fur. Y'all take care of each other.


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