Thursday, June 30, 2011

#29 July update - Rife therapy

I’ll call this an early July update since it’s so late in June. Becky finished her round of radiation therapy a couple of weeks ago. She had opted for the radiation in the hope of minimizing some of the pain she had been experiencing. In all fairness to the process it *did* make a dent in her pain level for a couple of weeks…. Although it failed to reduce it by the level we had hoped for.

Meanwhile her “chemo” has transitioned from her daily pill into a once a month pair of injections. The substance is clear and about the consistency of Kero syrup and the number of cc’s is enough to construct a small 2 cycle weed whacker engine! The process does not appear fun in the least but thankfully it’s only once a month.

Since we were in a position to do so we have finally opted for the purchase of the modern evolution of the Rife machine. The unit is called the GB4000 and it is a frequency generator. In testing it is the -only- frequency generator capable of producing harmonic frequencies as the 1930’s vacuum tube Rife machines did. Thus it is the only frequency generator able to accurately reproduce the full spectrum of frequencies necessary to “devitalize” pathogens in the body.

The methodology of the Rife machine is fairly easy to understand. If you are old enough to remember the seeing a singer break a wine glass with her voice then you have seen the underlying principle. Microbes and all cells for that matter have an oscillatory rate at which their outer membranes can no longer maintain integrity. So identify the virus or microbe you wish to eliminate…. Select the appropriate frequency range and turn on the power. At either the prime frequency or one of it’s harmonic variants the target will simply loose integrity and come apart. Since these frequencies are very specific targeting can also be quite specific.

Dr. Rife identified cancer as basically a virus and those he worked on always fell into either an X group or a Y group. Thus they were labeled the BX and BY viruses. So by targeting these two groups the odds are you can eliminate the trigger which causes cancer in the first place….. And also kill whatever cancer is already growing. This is not an overnight cure but it can produce results in a matter of months.

Dr. Rife had a cancer center north of San Diego send him patience which they had declared terminal….. NO hope of recovery from cancer whatsoever. Of all these people previously declared “dead men walking” by mainstream medicine….. Rife cured 80% of them within 90 days! Cured!! NO sign of cancer left in their bodies at all…. None! Of the 20% remaining Dr. Rife adjusted this treatment frequencies and durations which resulted in those persons eventually being cured as well. Thus Dr. Rife was successful in curing 100% of *terminal* cancer patience. His methods work!!

We have begun therapy with this system as an adjunct to that we are still getting at the Arlington Cancer Center. Lab work and imaging will eventually tell us how we’re doing. We’ll let you know more when we do.

Until next time…….. Peace.

Royal Raymond Rife background information

More Rife resources

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

#28 June update

It's been a bit bumpy lately. Becky opted to give limited chemo and radiation a try in an attempt to check the bone cancer. I believe I mentioned in some other posting that scans had shown evidence of cancer in three of her vertebra plus the ball of her left hip joint and the socket of her right hips joint.

The chemo consists of two huge injections in her hips. The compound is Fasladex and it is the next step up the ladder of estrogen inhibitors. Actually it doesn't inhibit estrogen itself.... rather it attaches to the estrogen receptors on the cancer which blocks it's ability to capture and metabolize estrogen. I'll have to check on the dose but each injection sure looks close to 8 to 10cc to me. Both together would add up to the displacement of a small Weedeater engine!! If the amount isn't bad enough (and it leaves a sizable knot in each hip) the consistency of the liquid is that of Kero syrup. Okay.... made that cold Kero syrup.

Radiation therapy was targeted at the hips from the front and rear as was the treatment for the spine. Most of it went well but the beam going in through her chest to her spine also managed to pass through her esophagus. That being more sensitive to radiation than other parts it started to swell until it was nearly closed. Even drinking water became painful for her. Becky's weight bottomed out between 123 and 124 pounds and may slip a bit more before her throat is back to normal. Today was a much better day for her so far as swallowing went.... but while constricted her stomach shrank some more. Thus she will be really hungry and 7 to 10 bites into her meal she is stuffed and can't eat anymore. Great for loosing weight but that's NOT something she needs to be doing.

After seeing her endure the pain of the injections and the massive discomfort of the radiation I got back into research mode again. One of the last therapy alternatives that we've yet to try is electrotherapy via frequency generator..... or Rife machine. We'd avoided it due to cost but after seeing what radiation costs it looks much more practical now. (I calculated that for roughly 6.7 hours of initial scans, molds and therapy the cost was $3880.60 per hour.) A frequency generator capable of duplicating the frequencies, and more importantly the harmonics thereof, to affect cancer represents an expense of only about $2600. It can be used whenever we want to use it..... both of us can use it for improved health..... and different frequency settings "devitalize" different pathogens so it's effective on much more than just cancer.

Rife's body of work is truly mind boggling. In all he spent over 30 years perfecting his "beam ray" device and testing it on every known pathogen. How effective was he? As part of a trial he asked a cancer hospital in San Jose to send him terminal cancer patients. When Rife got these people some literally had only weeks to live. In a 90 day trial cycle Raymond Rife CURED 80% of the terminal patience placed in his care! 80%!!!!! Given more time to adjust his therapy his overall CURE rate for TERMINAL cancer patience was 100%. Read that again. 100% CURE rate!!!

So how come we still have cancer and Rife isn't a medical god? Human greed. Rife, almost all of his research papers, his labs and his devices were systematically destroyed by the then head of the FDA. Why? Rife thought his research should help people... not generate huge profits. The head of the FDA wanted Rife to make him a 50% partner in the machines so he could profit and become rich. Rife refused.... and the power of the government came crashing down upon him. Rather than being famous for curing cancer (and every other disease know to mankind) Rife died a poor, unknown alcoholic...... totally destroyed by the greed of one man.

For an informative read..... and more technical information than you may wish to encounter... try following this link:

That's it for today, boys and girls. I have a little black kitty demanding attention (not to mention helping me type by walking on the keyboard) so I need to love on her fur. Y'all take care of each other.


Friday, April 29, 2011

#27 April Update

Just touching base with the few folks who are following along with our journey. Since the surgery the battle has shifted to Becky's joints. Her left shoulder and right hip give her near constant debilitating pain. As you might suspect this makes walking and grooming a considerable struggle for her. (Try working a curling iron with one hand)

After a communications misfire with the Arlington Cancer Center, which resulted in us missing her first scheduled set of MRI scans, we're finally back on track to get those done. So on the 5th of May they have 4 hours of time blocked out for Becky to get her shoulder, spine and hips scanned. The x-rays tell us very little beyond the fact that there is an increased uptake of the marker in her shoulder and hip joint. That could either be accounted for by cancer or by localized inflammation resulting from arthritis or bursitis as all three will result in increased blood flow to the area. The MRI generates such a detailed image that we'll finally know for certain exactly what we are dealing with now.

As far as the after effects of the surgery go she is doing quite well. The incision has healed nicely however there is still a bit of swelling in one area. This is probably a result of the reconnection of underlying muscle tissue which has not yet returned to a normal position. The fact that she has only very limited use of her left arm is likely the major culprit in this problem. Were she able to exercise a full range of motion and thus work the chest muscle more often then that tissue would have likely flattened by now.

Other than the fact that the constant pain is beginning to really wear on her both physically and mentally she is still doing very well overall. Her weight as stabilized between 135 and 140 which is 100 pounds lighter than her pre-cancer weight. I'm thankful for that because I doubt if she could move at all if her hip joint had to carry that additional load. No doubt she could safely loose an additional 10 pounds and still be just fine for her height and build. I personally have no problem with her current weight. What I do notice, however, is that overall her muscle mass and tone are well south of idea. This is attributable to her inability to do any sort of exercise in her current condition.

I'll post an update again around the middle of May by which time we'll have the results of her MRI scans back.

Until then..... Peace

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#26 Pathology update 03-30-2011

We had a visit with the oncologist this morning and were able to obtain a copy of the pathology report. I'll be kind and spare everyone the "Doctor Speak" of the report. I figure that if you're here you either knew where you were going.... or you're lost as hell and wondering what the heck is going on. All those 17 letter words meaning front and rear or left and right would only serve to add to your confusion.

Translated into every day terms they made a football shaped incision <----- biggest Dr. word I'll use....... on her left breast removing a section if skin including the aureola and nipple along with three ulcerations which had been there for well over a year. Inside they removed the main tumor and several smaller items of interest as well as two lymph nodes. Top and bottom of the opening were drawn together and secured inside with two layers of regular stitches and the skin with 25 stainless steel staples.

All of that is healing nicely and the tenderness going away too. Downside of the (former) breast not hurting her anymore is that now she is more aware of pain in her hips. That aside the report on the stuff removed confirmed that it was cancer (no surprise there) but it also said that the main mass consisted of a cancerous outer layer covering a dead mass. That was significant to us because it did prove that the alternative methods were killing the cancer!

Because of the pain in her hips and left shoulder (which had all given her trouble in the past) the oncologist suggested an MRI to get a better idea of what is going on in there. So the first Thursday in April she'll go have that done. They will scan her shoulder, upper spine, ribs and hips. Our regular D.O. seems to think the problem is either arthritis or bursitis...... both of which can be controlled or treated. We're having the MRI done to find out for certain what the problem is.

Meanwhile Becky is going off the arimidex and starting Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen works by blocking various receptor cells on the cancer and thereby fooling the cancer into thinking it's feeding. Doing so ultimately causes the cancer to basically starve to death. (couldn't happen to a nicer Lytic metastases) (okay..... I lied about the big Dr. words) To simplify.... that's an area of the bone which is weakened by cancer activity. Now.... to be clear.... Becky does NOT have bone cancer..... rather she has breast cancer which has spread (metastasized) to the bones.... so we're still treating breast cancer. The difference is that we're treating it just a little bit differently from this point forward.

Part of the reason for that is that the estrogen inhibitor (arimidex) that she was taken can also serve to weaken the bones. This is because estrogen plays a roll in maintaining healthy bones so it stands to reason that less estrogen in circulation can lead to poor bone health. While Becky had the tumor in her breast there was a rational trade-off to be made. Since her cancer was estrogen receptive it made sense to risk using that therapy to help kill the cancer. While what remains is still technically breast cancer there is also far less of it in her bones and there are other, more effective, treatments which can be utilized to treat this cancer IN the bones. These treatments serve to both destroy the cancer while attempting to maintain and strengthen the involved bone.

The Tamoxifen is the killer aspect of the therapy. Once the results of the MRI are in hand that will help determine what ancillary treatments will be employed. One option is the addition of a form of Bisphosphonate. This family of drugs helps build and maintain bones. Targeted radiation is also on the table for the first time during our battle. This, when combined with minerals such as strontium, can not only kill the cancer but also strengthen the bones.

Otherwise we continue to move forward with an ever positive attitude and a continuing love of life. We continue to do those things which we enjoy doing and making plans for future events and outings. Give up..... defeat..... and failure are not a part of our vocabulary.

Take care of each other!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

#25 Surgery

On the 8th of March 2011 we checked Becky into the Hampton South Hospital for surgery on her left breast and a few benign lumps on her scalp. How did we get to this point? Well, from the beginning Becky had been against Chemo and Radiation therapy. Surgery, however, had always been an option which we may elect to use at some point.

The decision was made by Becky since it IS her body and she was the one who had to live with both the procedure and the lack of a breast for the rest of her life. My main job (besides chief researcher) has always been simply to support Becky every step of the way. I voiced my opinion which was that 1) I had no objections to the surgery at all and 2) I felt that by eliminating the tumors in her breast we stood a much better chance of eliminating the other cancers in her body. She agreed and we spoke with the surgeon and he scheduled the operation for us.

The operation began about 0930 and only lasted about 35 minutes. She spent about 2 hours in recovery outside the operating suite before I was permitted to escort her up to her room. Once there she was basically in and out of consciousness for the next 24 hours. It seems that her body reacted more than expected to the anesthesia.

What happened was that her entire left breast and two adjacent lymph nodes were removed. While there was no sign of involvement the nodes were removed as a precautionary measure. Within the breast was one large mass (roughly golf ball size at this point and 4 smaller masses which were laid out radially around the main mass through a 180 degree arc towards the center of her chest. She has about an 8 inch incision running horizontally across her chest then upward towards her arm pit. It is closed with perhaps 25 staples and she has two vacuum assisted drain tubes located about an inch and a half apart and perhaps an inch below the main incision.

All the questionable tissue was sent to pathology and we should have those results in about two weeks. It will be interesting to see how well our alternative therapy has worked. We know it has been successful at shrinking the tumor mass. What we're interested in is if it has also been successful in actually killing or converting the cancer.

As I said before.... she was mostly asleep for the first 24 hours following the operation. This was supposed to be a day surgery however her reaction to the anesthesia was not going to permit her to leave that day. On Wednesday she was still quite groggy at breakfast time. By lunch, however, she was much more alert and able to eat a good bit of her meal. The Doctor's opinion though was that she really should spend one more day in the hospital.... and that she should take a shower.

It's the Doctor's belief that showers are therapeutic for patients. Naturally they feel cleaner afterwords but the shower is also a relaxing experience. He was right. Becky felt much better after having a shower and getting into a new gown. About an hour after the shower she was walking the hallway for exercise and to get her circulation going. We took a short walk first then a longer one several hours later.

On the third morning she was awake and quite alert when I arrived shortly before 0800. She ate the majority of her breakfast and we waited for the Doctor to arrive and make his assessment. He arrived about 10 and was pleased with the progress he saw. Since she was more lucid today he fully explained what had happened during the surgery and answered all of our questions. This Doctor is a *very* caring man and we both feel blessed that we were able to find him to help us in our battle with cancer.

He said that she had made great progress and that she could be released...... right after she took a shower. So we got her into the shower again and she did spend a good 15 minutes in there enjoying the nice warm water. Dried, dressed and ready the nurse showed up with a wheel chair and we rolled her towards the front door. She got into the car all by herself and we bid farewell to the hospital and the wonderful staff who had done such a great job.

She is home now and both resting and taking care of small projects she can do while seated. While she was gone I only saw one of the stray cats we look after at our house.... and she was the shy one! Becky gets back home and within minutes of her arrival all of the strays make an appearance for her. Okay.... I see who they like best! :-) Inside her Paige kitty wanders around for a while then jumps up into her chair to check on her and get some pets. Home seems as happy to have her back as she is to be back!

I'll post another update when we have the pathology reports back and let you folks know what was going on. Till then....... Peace

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

#24 New Stuff

For those following we had another set of scans performed and a follow up visit a week later with her oncologist. We must be singlehandedly making the man bankrupt judging by his efforts to get her to do chemotherapy. Now Becky and I are not exactly on the down slope of the intelligence scale..... so if you're going to try to pull a fast one your game better be spot on or we'll nail you. He tried but we both caught him at it.

What he tried to do was show us two sets of scans to illustrate how the cancer has progressed and thus convince her to agree to chemotherapy. So he pops up the "before" and "after" scans and sure enough on the second set of scans there is about twice as much tissue involved in high uptake of the radioactive marker as in the first set. One minor problem though. Soft tissue still shows up on the scans as a faint shadow..... thus you can see the "outline" of the body being scanned. Well in his presentation the "after" scan showed the outline of a body that weighed perhaps 230 pounds. Becky only weighs about 145 pounds right now though.... so it's really tough to explain how she happened to gain and loose about 90 pounds in the 15 or 20 minutes it took to take the scans. BUSTED!!

Taken in their *correct* order the scans indicated that we've managed to reduce the cancer by a good 50% so far..... and we're still on the attack. We recently uncovered some more research on various over the counter supplements that we believe will be a good augmentation for the program we already have in place. One of the supplements goes by the abbreviation DIM which is much easier than Di-Indole Methane. DIM has been shown in clinical studies to promote the healthier metabolism of estrogen in both women and men. Since Becky's cancer is estrogen receptive this addition makes sense. She takes the Arimidex as an estrogen inhibitor already and we feel that the addition of the DIM will further serve to starve the cancer of this substance. As an aside I'm taking the DIM also since it is a fact that estrogen levels in men begin to rise over 50 years of age as the testosterone levels start to decrease. This estrogen increase tends to cause older guys to grow a nice spare tire around the middle. I'm sporting a lovely raised white letter low profile steel belted radial myself. Hopefully that will go flat and fade away over the next several months.

We added in another couple of vitamins and she started using a supplement called Alka-Max too. This is a powered "drink mix" which can be added to water. It has a slight citrus flavor so Becky mixes it with her black tea and it seems to be palatable that way. Of course the idea there is to shift her body to a more alkaline state which is inhospitable to cancer cells. This also seems to be a fairly easy and painless method of getting that result as she drinks a lot of tea anyway.

Otherwise she is visiting the surgeon on Friday the 25th and, with luck, will have a date for her surgery set when she leaves. If not that will at least be in the works. I believe I mentioned that he is 100% certain he can remove all the cancerous material with 0% risk of any breakout or spreading. We're both in agreement that this is the correct course of action as it will permit all of our efforts to concentrate on the cancer which had earlier spread to her spine and rib. The scans also showed dark areas on her left shoulder joint and hip joints....... but she has had arthritis in those for years so we believe that the darkness is the result of an increased uptake of the radioactive marker in those joints due to the increased blood flow caused by inflammation.

Otherwise bone density seems to still be rather good over all. She does take vitamin D and calcium daily. There is a treatment (Yes another alternative therapy) out there that can rebuild the arthritic joints in a fairly short period of time It uses a combination of an injection of a solution which irritates the joint...... and an infusion of ozoneated blood back into the system. The ozone in the blood makes far more oxygen available and triggers a rapid rebuilding of the joint material. (As a side benefit the extra oxygen also kills cancer cells as they are anaerobic)

That's it for right now. I'll fill everyone in as we learn more!

Needed now more than ever..... peace.......

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#23 February Update

It's time to update everyone on what has been going on lately. We continue to see the oncologist at the Arlington Cancer Center. Much to his dismay we continue to have success *without* resorting to either Chemo or Radiation. (this, of course, does not help his income rise) :-) On our last visit, which was Monday the 31st of January, her cancer marker were slightly elevated but we're not concerned with that finding. Remember that we had Becky off the DCA for nearly 3 months and that is the main element in our alternative therapy. She is back on it now at her weight adjusted dose and we expect the progress to continue.

Earlier in January we had an appointment with the surgeon. He's satisfied that the tumor has shrunk enough to permit surgery and be able to have a nice clean closing line. He is also quite confident that he can remove *all* of the cancer tissue in her breast without any risk of metastasis. As of now we're considering tumor removal this month which will likely have Becky off work for a week or so. Pretty much the entire left breast will be removed. We think that this will help us combat the cancer that is in one rib and a couple of vertebra.

Even if the main mass is totally dead we'd prefer not to have that tissue in her breast. To us that just seems like asking for problems down the road. If it's mostly dead but has some active cells inside somewhere..... then eliminating it also eliminates the risk of those cells escaping and causing problems elsewhere. No specific date for the surgery has been set at the time of this writing. At most we honestly don't expect her to be in the hospital more than overnight.

Otherwise she is doing quite well. The dietary changes mean that she is still loosing some weight which is helping with her hips and knees as they have less weight to bear. We also got rid of our old "sleep number" bed and acquired a mattress from IKEA. We added a 2.5 inch memory foam topper to that and a 72 spring base under it. So far it has helped Becky get a much better nights sleep than before so it was a good investment. She typically sleeps on one side or the other..... but since the new mattress she has been sleeping more on her back. Before she complained of back pain when she woke up but that seems to be a thing of the past now.... for which I am most thankful.

As soon as we have any additional information about her surgery I'll post an update here. I doubt she will in the hospital long enough for cards or flowers to reach her there. We'll discuss the possibility of posting our address here..... but I suspect that anyone reading this already has that information.

As a parting thought...... "Love as if you'll die tomorrow but learn as though you'll live forever."
