Wednesday, June 30, 2010

#15 New month, new news.

One of these days I hope to be able to post some truly positive news about our struggle with cancer. Right now just doesn't seem to be that time. Becky has finally seen an oncologist and is taking Arimidex now. It's a 25mg pill once a day and is supposed to disrupt the estrogen cycle of this particular form of breast cancer. Since she only started a week ago today it's far too early to know if anything noteworthy is happening yet.

What I am finding troubling is that she seems to have given up on all things alternative even though we know the OCC system works quite well at killing cancer cells. Even more simple, yet effective too, is the addition of baking soda to a glass of water three or four times a day. Granted the OCC protocol gives her some horrible breath due to the gas exchange in the lungs. The chlorine in her blood stream eventually escapes via the lungs and it's a very odd smell. I can deal with that, however. The baking soda has no negative factors at all.... but she doesn't like it because of the "salty taste" it gives the water.

I drink a lot of baking soda and water for my stomach and I can tell you.... "It ain't that bad." To my primitive way of thinking it boils down to letting cancer win..... or putting up with the slightly salty taste of 4 glasses of water a day. Damn..... that's a really tough choice! Or it's letting the cancer win or having bad breath for a while. Again..... tough choice.

An example I used in a conversation with a friend was that it's like my leg is on fire and I have a bucket of water. Now I *could* pour that on my leg and put out the fire...... but if I did that then I'd get my pants wet.... and I don't like wet pants..... so I guess I'll just let my leg burn. What the hell kind of sense does that make?

Physically her breast hurts quite a lot and there are several open sores on it. In addition to that (as if that were not enough) her left shoulder and left hip joint give her considerable trouble too. Some days she can barely walk..... actually most days lately. We're seeing a D.O. for the joint pain and he's given her two shots so far. One to the shoulder seemed to do a lot of good. Another a couple of weeks later has seemed to have not had any effect at all. Since we have no scans of those areas I can't be sure what the root cause of the pain is. Could be age and wear... could be something more. The only consistent thing is that all of her problems are on her left side. I'm not sure what to make of that.... coincidence? Who knows?

What I do know is that doing nothing.... or doing less than all you could be doing.... is not a viable answer. Becky is not only the love of my life.... she's my best friend too. In *my* vision of things we whip this thing and have a couple more decades to become even better friends. There are too many things we haven't had time to do and too many things I haven't been able to show her yet. (The Grand Canyon and Yellowstone quickly come to mind.)

Is fighting cancer easy? Hell no. If it was there would be a lot fewer deaths from it. What I do know is that if you're NOT fighting it with everything you have every day..... you're agreeing to let it kill you. That's not an option in my world. As they told us in training many moons ago on Coronado Island, California..... "2nd place is 1st looser." That may not be a big deal in a rope climb or rubber raft race..... but with cancer it means that you're dead. Death should come softly in old age after you've had time to make friends with it. I'm hoping her fighting spirit will awaken again soon.

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