Thursday, June 17, 2010

#14 Mid-June update

Things have been a tad rocky these past few weeks. Becky became toxic as a result of one of the therapies working a bit too well. She achieved a large kill-off of pathogens... and their death resulted in the release of a large amount of toxins into her system.... overloading her liver and kidneys. Going off the therapy for three days had her feeling much better though.

Otherwise she has had problems with her left shoulder and left hip for the past few weeks too. Her left arm is almost useless and it causes her great pain to move it at all. Range of motion is perhaps 3 to 5 percent at best. She had a shot last Monday (the 14th) and felt much better the following day. Smiled for the first time in weeks.... which was refreshing to see.

While she felt better we consulted with a surgeon about removing her left breast. The Doctor is a very kind gentleman of 65 who nearly cried when he saw her breast. Seeing a Doctor who demonstrated some actual *concern* about her condition was SO refreshing that it had another benefit. Becky has agreed to see an oncologist he recommended and undergo a course of a new chemotherapy drug to try to shrink the tumor. (Which she estimates to now be somewhere between 5 and 7 pounds) This new drug is in pill form so no IV's to deal with. We are still waiting for a consult appointment with him and expect to hear something tomorrow. (Friday)

On another front Becky used the last of her PTO days last week and has had to apply for short term disability until she feels better. So far we're keeping up with the monthly bills but things are going to start squeaking when the medical co-pays start to roll in. I'm searching for organizations (Cancer related) who may have grants available to help with the payments. IF anyone knows of such an organization please leave a message with the contact information.

Otherwise she remains in good spirits and we both remain resolved to win this battle. We think that once the bulk of the cancer is removed with the surgery we'll have a much better chance at defeating what remains. The MMS therapy IS effective and DOES target and kill abnormal cells so she will likely return to that.

The main thing we have learned is that cancer does not play nice and anyone trying alternative therapy should not even waste their time with a majority of the therapies. Rather than working your way through various light weight measures..... escalate immediately to thermonuclear warfare and hit the cancer with the strongest therapy you can find. We made the mistake of starting out at the low end of the scale and working up. This is fine IF your tumor is the size of a pea..... but if you can feel it..... hit it with the strongest therapy you can stand to take and DO NOT let up for even a day.... unless you become toxic.

Laetrile is effective and can be used with most other therapies. Either get the B-17 pills or go to "Our Fathers Farm" and order apricot pits. Treat the pits as though they were whole apricots and eat no more than you could the whole fruit. (normally in the 6 to 8 range) We found the MMS therapy to be quite effective but discovered it too far into our search. IF the MMS is not to your taste (and it tastes like drinking water with bleach in it) then simply use baking soda. Health food stores sell "Bob's Red Mill" baking soda which does not contain any aluminum. Mix a teaspoon of soda with water and drink it throughout the day up to a maximum of 7 teaspoons a day.

In conjunction with that change your diet to raw foods which are alkalizing. If you get your blood alkaline enough when it enters the cancer cells they will die. Be aware that in a lot of cases there will be additional swelling and perhaps an increase in pain for the first 2 to 4 days when the baking soda starts working. This is normal and you should start to see some mass shrinkage in the 4 to 6 day range. if you are fortunate enough to know someone who can do an IV then you can also use a 5% baking soda solution to pack a more powerful punch. The same 5% solution can also be injected directly into the tumor if you are so inclined and have the required skills.

Lastly.... a concoction of 3 parts natural grade B maple syrup and 1 part baking soda can be used. Heat this mix to 120 degrees and stir for 10 minutes. It will foam a lot and, after sitting a while, separate out some. Simply stir it up and take 2 teaspoons full three times a day. The cancer cells love the sugar and will take it in. The baking soda sort of goes in too like a Trojan Horse so the syrup is something of a last meal for the condemned. DO NOT underestimate the baking soda as a viable therapy! There is a mountain of evidence out there of its effectiveness.

I will try to keep everyone informed with regard to the new pill type chemo and the surgery. As I said we are both confident that once the bulk of the cancer is removed we can deal with the rest knowing what we know now. We both thank you are for your prayers and your continued support.



  1. You may have already checked out this site, but I thought I would send it along.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.


  2. Ray, thanks! Getting ready to check out the site now. It's not one that I'd stumbled across yet so thanks for taking the time to let us know.

