Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another step on the journey

December 3rd, 2009.

Today we met with a Doctor of Osteopathy. (who, for his own protection, shall remain nameless) The reason for our visit was to secure the assistance of someone who was (1st) more informed about alternative therapy than the main stream folks we had been seeing and (2nd) to have someone capable of drawing blood and monitoring Becky's blood chemistry while we're using the cesium therapy.

We're hoping the cesium product arrives tomorrow so we can get started with it. We've already made changes to Becky's diet to utilize foods which are more alkalizing. The diet, combined with the Ionic Cesium, should produce an environment which is highly toxic to the cancer..... yet do no damage at all to the normal cells in her body. Equally important it does not negatively affect her immune system.

I think I mentioned the downside of the cesium therapy in my first posting but just in case here it is again. While the cesium is harmless to normal cells it is highly alkaline and has a tendency to bind with other minerals. Potassium, calcium and magnesium for starters. If these minerals fall below recommended levels it can result in everything from muscle cramps to irregular heartbeat. Too low and your heart just stops. Since avoiding damage to the body was the main reason we elected to go the alternative therapy route..... we need to have someone who can do the necessary monitoring for us. The fact that her insurance covers the visits is a bonus.

While we still have to pay for the alternative therapy products out of our own pockets it's still a far better deal than going the mainstream medicine route. Just the co-pay on our part of one bag of chemo could easily touch $1000. Especially since our maximum out of pocket costs have not been met for the calendar year. Cancer is big business and that means BIG money.

The D.O. we met with was most pleasant and completely unruffled by the fact that Becky has stage 4 inflammatory breast cancer and was declining normal therapy in order to treat it ourselves. With impossible ease he picked up on very minor problems all the other doctors had completely missed. He struck us as a straight shooter that would not try to BS us for a minute. If something is bad.... he's going to tell you.... it's bad. Also important was the fact that he was genuinely concerned for her overall comfort. He *suggested* a non-addictive pain medication for her.... but left it up to her as whether to take it or not. (she opted to fill the prescription just in case)

While he was familiar with Protocel only from the information we had previously provided he was keenly aware of the cesium therapy we're starting next. That was most encouraging! We can only run the cesium therapy for a maximum of 33 days at the highest dosing level. After that we need to instantly shift to another therapy so the cancer never has a chance to recover or adapt. We've selected laetrile (sometimes called Vitamin B17) as the follow on therapy once the cesium has run it's course. Thankfully he seem quite familiar with the laetrile too.

While it's illegal to sell laetrile in the US or to treat cancer with it (yes you read right... it's illegal to treat cancer in the US with a harmless substance found in the seeds of most plants) laetrile can still be had thanks to the wonderful Internet! The most under the radar method is to simply buy apricot kernels (the part inside the stony pit) and run them through a coffee mill. Years of experimentation indicates that your dose should not exceed one kernel per day for every 10 pounds of body weight. An alternative says..."do not eat more than if you were consuming the entire fruit rather than just the kernel." Either seems entirely safe.

As near as I've been able to find out so far there are no harmful side effects from laetrile at all. It seems to *only* target cancer cells or other damaged cells. Normal cells remain unaffected. In too large a dose, however, it can be toxic and can even cause death. However the quantity involved borders on the ridiculous. Another plus it that this therapy can be maintained over a very long time span in complete safety. Thus we can use it to keep the cancer at bay once we've eliminated it from her body. She *is* genetically prone to cancer so the laetrile is a simple method of introducing a prophylactic intervention on an ongoing basis.

Other than a general tiredness from her nights being interrupted every 4 hours for the Protocel and in-between for pee breaks.... Becky is in good spirits and plodding along with her usual daily routine. Since none of the therapies we've selected adversely affect general health we expect her spirits to remain high and even improve as we start to make measurable progress. Should the cesium perform as well as what we've read (which is what we expect) then her mass should be greatly reduced by the time we again visit a mainstream doctor for a follow-up.

Again there can be problems even with great success. The body needs to be able to eliminate all the dead cancer cells so that will strain her immune system greatly. However, because it has not been damaged or destroyed by chemo, she has a much improved chance of doing that. There may well be some swelling and inflammation at the cancer site once the cesium starts working. That, most likely, is the immune system "discovering" the cancer and vigorously attacking it. Remember cancer hides. The cesium will not only kill cancer cells on it's own but also unmask the cancer so the bodies defenses can join the fray.

More to come......

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