Thursday, December 17, 2009

#4 The next chapter

We've begun the next chapter of this story now. While we're still trying to get our product from the first vendor after 3 going on 4 weeks... we were able to secure the necessary Ionic Cesium and Potassium solutions from an alternate source. As it happens it was probably to our benefit that the first vendor failed to make delivery or we may not have stumbled upon the second vendor.

For background... Rainbow Minerals was my first choice. This was due, in part, to the ability of their blend to make the trans-dermal migration without the addition of DMSO. (Dimethylsulfoxide) (which can generate a fairly strong sulfur odor) However, at this point, I would strongly advise against even considering attempting to do business with Rainbow Minerals. Your account is debited immediately and that is pretty much the end of things. Call and you get an answering machine. Initial E-mails are returned until you figure out that the send to address isn't the same as the link you click on. Even with the correct address you are ignored. Good looking site... lots of Bible verses but they seem to have lost their souls to greed. As soon as I can acquire a good physical address I will be paying them an in person visit for my product or a cash refund.

The second vendor was a pleasant surprise. We were called (unfortunately while still sleeping) early the next morning by a person known only as "Larry." Larry got some initial confirmation that we had indeed placed an order..... then proceeded to gather personal date about Becky. Height, weight, age etc. He then proceeded to give a rather detailed run down of the program and exactly what we could expect... both good and bad. Everything out in the open and right up front. Within a few minutes of the conclusion of the call I had two E-mails from the company. One an order confirmation with tracking number and the second a rather long detailed description of the program and many source links for additional information. In short... 1st class operation.

the Essence of Life web site is, in itself, a treasure trove of information on all things alternative. I have posted a link off to the side on the blog to make it easy to check things out. As I encounter more helpful sites they will have links posted as well.

The cesium itself actually has no taste or odor. Base carrier is highly purified spring water. If tested the product actually indicates a slight acid on litmus paper. That is the nature of the carrier.... the cesium transitions to highly alkaline once it enters the digestive tract.

In Becky's case we're combining two protocols which do not show any negative if mixed. The cesium protocol is the first and a Budwig Protocol is the second. Each targets a weakness of the cancer but in different ways. As stated previously the cesium alters the acid environment of the cancer with it's highly alkaline state. The cancer cells cannot survive in an alkaline environment.

The Budwig protocol involves the blending of Flax Oil and cottage cheese into a paste... (looks like butter) which can then be further reduced with fresh juices and berries to make a drink. The two main ingredients, when combined, somehow aid in the transport of oxygen to the cells. Since cancer is by nature an anaerobic (without oxygen) process the addition of oxygen messes up the internal workings. This protocol has been used for decades in Europe and they have a large, well established clinic in Italy.

So how is it going? Well.... Becky had stopped the Protocel several days prior to the arrival of the cesium. This was to include dietary items which aid the cesium but are contraindicated by the Protocel therapy. Within 12 hours of her first does she reported signs of lysing again. (Damaged material being eliminated by the body) Needless to say that is highly encouraging! The next indicator we're looking for is a reduction of pain in the affected areas. It is reported that this happens within 24 to 36 hours of beginning therapy. Our results may be different because those figures come from clinical tests where higher initial doses were given. But this is only day two of the cesium therapy so we have a ways to go yet.

Unfortunately things may seem to go south for a while before we break over the hump. As both protocols start to work the cancer will eventually become "unmasked" to the bodies own immune system. When this happens it will be like the reaction you would expect at the site of any major wound. Redness, tenderness, swelling, warmer than normal to the touch... etc. While uncomfortable these are all GOOD signs! Each says that we're winning and the cancer is loosing.

Check back for another update in about a week. That should be long enough for us to have some sense of how things are progressing.

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