Thursday, August 9, 2012

#31 Urgent Update

   Things took a nose dive last night when Becky fell while getting out of the shower. As is typical for her she didn't let me know she was going to be taking a shower so I wasn't there when it happened. She stressed her left shoulder again (it has cancer and a fractured scapula) plus she hurt her right arm and shoulder and her hips.

   All that was Wednesday night. Thursday morning she was able to get up and walk okay but she tired easily. We had breakfast out and she was able to walk in and out just fine..... although slowly. She was to have a shot today (Thursday) at roughly the same time I was to be at work. I asked her if she needed me to drive her and she assured me she'd be fine.

   An hour later she calls from the cancer clinic...... where she came close to passing out and had her blood pressure drop. Turns out that while driving over there she suddenly got very short of breath about half way and it hurt for her to breathe. Now at the clinic they start an IV to hydrate her and do an x-ray of her chest. Her left lung is filling up with fluid again but no additional fractures or breaks show up. (Oh.... lots of cancer markers in that fluid they drained last week..... not good) They gave her a shot for her pain and by the time I got there she was loopy as all get out..... and still in a LOT of pain just trying to breathe.

   They ended up not giving her the shot..... but did send her home with both pain pills and pain patches. We had to leave her car over there and when we got her home could not get in inside the house. She could neither stand nor walk. So we took off to get a wheelchair. To make a long story short the first place I went didn't have what I wanted BUT a man on the same isle asked if I needed a regular wheelchair and I said I did. He said he had one he no longer needed because his wife had passed away several months previous.... and he'd give it to us if we'd follow him home to get it. We did and he rolled it out. Our "payment" is that we have to give it to someone in need when we are done with it. Fair enough deal I'd say. :-)

   SO! God smiled on us with the chair.... putting the man that had one in the right place at the right time. I'm also hoping that this event will drive home the point that Becky is not doing nearly enough to keep her immune system strong...... which is why the cancer is starting to get the upper hand. We're getting her back on the Bill Henderson program 100% with the exception of the Budwig diet. At least the cottage cheese and flax oil part...... which she just cannot stand to take anymore. I'll find some other method of getting more oxygen in her.

   Anyway.... that's it for right now. It still is hurting her to breathe and she is still very weak too. Hopefully she will be a bit stronger in the morning. We'll see. Till next time..... take good care of each other......

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