Thursday, August 26, 2010

#17 Late August Update

Apologies to everyone for not updating this sooner. Much (most actually) of this had been published from my laptop. Sadly ..... right after having the hard drive replaced and *finally* getting all my programs reloaded ..... the motherboard goes belly up. Since Becky was, at the time, having difficulty getting around we needed to get it fixed. The reality of that was that it would cost just over $400 .... and a new laptop can be had for under $300. She got a new laptop courtesy of her wonderful co-workers at Bowne. (Enough thanks cannot be extended!)

So now we have Sweetie resting in my easy chair for most of the day with her new laptop keeping that part of her lap NOT covered by kitties.... warm. I made the incorrect assumption that she was utilizing the new computer and some of her time to keep everyone updated on her progress. Wrong. Thus I shall attempt to rectify that oversight now.

Today is the 26th of August and we did have a visit with her oncologist today. Prior to this visit it was her judgment that various portions of the tumor mass seem to have receded. We got confirmation from the doctor that she was indeed correct about that! Needless to say we're both quite pleased to have heard that from him.

We're still using his prescription drug, Arimadex, and we are augmenting that with several alternative therapies. #1 on that list is DCA. That chemical works on cancer by awakening the mitochondria. (Cancer switches it off) Once awakened the cell can now resume a normal life cycle and die off. We are also adding #2 Laetrile and #3 Oleander extract.... .both of which directly kill cancer cells. Overall the combination seems to be working.... even if slowly. On the other hand the mass didn't get as large as it is over a period of weeks or months.... so it's not going to go away quickly either.

Her oncologist still tweaks her about taking regular chemo but since we're seeing progress, however slowly, with this methodology we'll stick with it for the time being. He says we could see faster shrinkage with chemo..... which is probably true. My thought is that regular chemo might be a good "ace up the sleeve" if we need to step up to something more potent should there be a reversal of progress.

Additionally we'll be getting a battery of tests and scans done on the 22nd of September. We've not done any of those for about a year so it's time to see what sort of progress we're making overall. Were such scans not prohibitively expensive it probably would have been helpful to have had some scans done right before we started on the Arimadex. Either way we'll know next month what things look like inside and we'll know if the results we're seeing in her breast are extending to the other sites which were initially involved as well. Obviously we are hoping that we've made progress there too.

While not much .... it's all the information I have to share at this point in time. OH! I nearly forgot..... Becky had been having some mobility problems. She had difficulty moving her left arm and severe pain in her left hip also. The hip problem made walking slow and painful. She'd taken to having to use a cane to help her get about. Happy to say the cane has been parked for the past three weeks and she's getting around well enough that she is planning to return to work soon!

I think I'll just end this on that high note. Y'all take care of each other out there!

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