Tuesday, May 18, 2010

#11 May update

I would like to be able to tell you we've been doing handsprings over the wild success we've been having with Becky's therapy. I'd like to.... but can't. Her last Navarro test came back no different than her first one.... a solid 53. I suppose the good news was that it had not increased.

While the Budwig Protocol is a sound one it simply may not be sufficient to cope with stage IV cancer. With a mass the size of an orange there are literally billions of defective cells to deal with. IF we were killing them off.... or causing them to revert back to normal at a rate of a million a day.... I doubt we'd be keeping pace with the new growth. Such is the problems with dealing with late stage cancers.

Still we persist and search out other, more potent, alternatives. We researched several possibilities and whittled those down to two. My investigations led me to a therapy which used a substance known as Zeolite combined with a few other ingredients. Her research point her towards a therapy which utilizes several chemicals in a rigorously controlled dosing combined with a very limited and strict diet.

After some discussion I finally asked her which therapy *she* thought would do the most good. She felt the chemical therapy she found would be the most effective. Since mental state is just as important as the therapy itself..... I ordered all the necessary items late last week.

You can check out the therapy by doing a search for "Overnight Cancer Cure" with your favorite search engine. Obviously nothing cures cancer overnight however this is a *very* potent and powerful combination of chemicals.

#1 is DMSO or Dimethyl Sulfoxide. This is a powerful solvent derived from trees. It is clear and has no real odor. It's claim to fame is that it can easily penetrate skin and other cellular material. It is mainly used to aid in the transdermal transport of other topical medications. It can, however, be taken internally in small amounts when diluted with water.

#2 is MSM which is short for Methylsulfonylmethane. (Yeah.... I'm glad for the abbreviation too!) MSM is a close cousin to DMSO and is a clear solid. It's not as reactive as DMSO and it's main purpose seems to be its sulfur component. If you look at the joint supplements you have probably seen Glucosamine and Condroition pills with MSM. It is a common additive in supplements and used because it seems to be an anti-inflammatory.

#3 is Colloidal Silver which has famous antibiotic properties dating back thousands of years. At least those properties have been linked to silver for that long. Colloidal silver is available now because science is now able to create sub-micron size particles of pure silver which can be transported inside almost any pathogen.

Prior to the colloidal form being made consumption of other silver supplements could result in a persons skin turning an odd shade of blue. This was common with English Royalty.... who ate with silver utensils off real silverware food which had been cooked in silver pots and pans. Thus.... the "blues" or the "blue bloods" and the phrase... "Born with a silver spoon in his (her) mouth."

#4 is Chlorine Dioxide which is marketed under the name of MMS..... or Miracle Mineral Solution. (Since neither chlorine nor oxygen are minerals I'm not sure why the name) This is the real "killer" in the cocktail. It is sodium chlorite.... not to be confused with sodium chloride..... which is common table salt.

The sodium chlorite is "activated" when mixed with a mild acid (vinegar or lemon juice for example) which effectively removes the sodium ion leaving chlorine dioxide in ionic form behind. (One atom of chlorine and two of oxygen) Since it is an ionic form it has a positive charge.... which just means it's missing a bunch of electrons. Cancer has a negative charge.... or an excess of electrons.

Since opposites attract the chlorine dioxide is drawn to the cancer where is steals all the electrons it can.... rendering the chlorine dioxide neutral in charge. The oxygen dissolves in the blood stream and the chlorine binds with free sodium ions to become salt. The cancer, having given up electrons is now unstable... and breaks up.... or tries to revert back to a normal cell.... which then dies off normally and is removed by the body.

None of these compounds is particularly kind to the human stomach..... thus the dose rate is *very* small. A teaspoon of any one of them is a huge dose and generally we're talking measurements of drops which are then diluted in water. the Chlorine dioxide is only bio-active in the human body for about one hour at most. Thus when the protocol is fully implemented she will be taking a dose about once an hour to keep up a steady flow to the cancer cells.

It should be noted that chlorine dioxide is the most powerful killer of pathogens known to mankind and has been approved by the FDA for use on beef, pork and poultry for many decades. It is safe when taken in small controlled doses.

Other forms of chlorine dioxide have been used to treat water for drinking and sometimes sold under the name of "Stabilized Oxygen." Even this lessor form of the substance is very powerful!! Just 30 drops..... given in two doses 4 hours apart will cure almost anyone of malaria in less than 48 hours. When "activated" with a mild acid.... left to stand for three minutes then mixed with water and consumed it is nearly twice as powerful.

As always we remain hopeful and pray for success. We humbly thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers too.

May God Bless......

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