Wednesday, February 17, 2010

#8 February Update

Roughly a month has passed since our last posting. Some days have been good for Rebecca and others have been somewhat rough. We had very high hopes for the high PH therapy using the ionic cesium. It seems, however, that Becky has a problem with physically assimilating the cesium. As soon as her PH level gets above about 8 she simply gets ill.

We tried altering the dose level and at a lower dose rate her PH level also dropped. When the dose was lower she felt better. When she skipped the dose she felt even better. As soon as we began the cesium again she got sick again. Since avoiding the downside of conventional therapy was key with pursuing alternative treatment.... we had to find another option for her.

Based on a conversation with her oncologist we had stopped the Budwig protocol. According to the Dr. the flax oil was an estrogen stimulator and her particular cancer is estrogen receptive. After stopping the cesium we investigated her claim and could find no supporting evidence anywhere.

We also found that the act of blending the flax oil and cottage cheese as directed completely eliminates the individual identities of both. IF the flax oil was an estrogen stimulator that element of its nature is lost when blended properly with the cottage cheese. Likewise the cottage cheese looses it dairy based identity and will not bother someone who is lactose intolerant.

Our research eventually lead us to the web site of Bill Henderson. His book, Cancer Free - Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing, is the result of over a decade of devoted research into alternative cancer cures. Bill was a driven man after loosing his first wife to conventional cancer treatment. We decided that, since he had about an eleven year head start on us, we'd get his book and see what he'd learned that we had not.

Oddly enough the corner post of his therapy method is the good old Budwig Protocol. At least we were back on familiar ground again. He also adds some very specific supplements to that protocol to boost its effectiveness. We had, once again, implemented the Budwig Protocol and are awaiting the arrival of the various supplements. Getting started was somewhat expensive since I ordered a 90 day supply to get us started. it should level off to about $100 a month for the supplements once we get rolling with the entire program.

Becky did have one emotional low to get past. Her 19 year old Isuzu Rodeo finally gave up on her. She said she'd drive it till the wheels fell off. The wheels were still on but the engine just refused to run anymore. Two weeks in a shop could not make it run. So we sold it for $100 and moved on. She found a little Kia Spectra SX with a 5 speed at a local dealer. Lot price was $13K. We drove it off.... tax... title and license... for about $9k. It sits a LOT lower than her Rodeo.... but it's a genuine hoot to drive. Also... the fact that it averages 29.64 MPG in town.... darn sure doesn't hurt. I think she's about over the loss of the Rodeo.

We're not to sure about continuing the visits to the current oncologist. While she has been fairly open to what we're doing she's also main stream medicine.... and in business to make money. She obviously makes the most money pushing chemo. So rather than deal with the drive and the mental and emotional down of that visit.... we may be better off eliminating that stress from Becky's life. We know that treatment and recovery is going to be a LONG process. Checking in with someone every two or three months.... only to be asked if we've come to our senses yet and are ready to do chemo..... seems rather counterproductive. We have one more scheduled appointment with her so we'll decide then.

Meanwhile you might check out Bill's web site: I'll add a link on the main page too.

Until next time.... Peace.

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