Monday, April 26, 2010

#10 April (late) Update

This had been a month of change. At this point we're not quite sure whether that change is going to be for the better or for the worst. We have another Navarro cancer test in the mail headed for the Philippines even now. If memory serves me (and often it does not) her initial "score" came back at a 52. Provided the methodology we're using is working then we should see a lower number this time.

In doing the background research on this thing we're fighting I discovered that it's not unusual for a person to have cancer for decades prior to it being detectable to the mainstream medical world. Dr. Navarro created a test sensitive enough to find evidence of cancer 5 to 7 years before it shows up on traditional screenings. And as it turns out.... the testing is simple enough that anyone can take care of the sampling part in their own home. Once that's done just send the sample to the Navarro Clinic in the Philippines and you'll have the results back in a couple of weeks. All for $50. Not bad.

Anyway.... the reality is that Becky has *had* cancer for probably 10 years minimum. Had we known of Dr. Navarro earlier (and admittedly there was no reason then to know of him) this simple test could have been a tip off for us. And cancer at that stage is easily treated and eliminated prior to it even becoming a tumor. Obviously the earlier you begin active intervention the faster and easier the cure. With Becky her tumor was already the size of two eggs before the official word came down. Thus any alternative we utilize is facing an uphill battle.... and the hill is located in California..... prone to mud slides..... and it's raining. Does that mean you can't make it to the top? No. But getting there is not going to be easy.

On the bright side Becky's back has bothered her much less since the last posting. Also she remains in good spirits, has a healthy appetite and generally as active as she has typically been. On the other hand she has developed a bad right shoulder which has been initially diagnosed as bursitis. It causes her a good deal of discomfort. Her breast has been hurting her more for the last couple of weeks too. We don't really see any signs of change (plus or minus) in the size of the growth.... so we're not really sure what is going on. Pain can be either good or bad. It could be hurting because it's growing again..... OR it could be hurting because the therapy IS working and the cancer is being attacked by her immune system. (She also notes a constant warmth)

As far as alternative therapies go we're still just scratching the surface. Germany seems to have abandoned the "big three" that are American's only authorized "choice" in favor of other treatment options that cause less damage and are more effective. (They don't get the nod here because they are also fairly inexpensive..... unlike chemo and radiation) One clinic is located in the low mountains of central Germany about 50 miles from where I was stationed while in the Army. (Heilbronn) While a trip there is probably out of the question at least we know the option exists.

One promising alternative is a radio frequency therapy that heats the cancer area with radio waves. This is something like a microwave oven but the wavelength is far longer and penetrates deeper into the body. Microwaves are good for a few millimeters while the radio waves penetrate up to about 4 inches. Cancer cells don't care for heat and tend to die off when their temperature is elevated to about 104 degrees F. Thus the "miracle cures" of some folks who become ill.... run a fever for a few days..... then recover only to discover their cancer is gone or going away.

The bottom line is that as long as Becky remains healthy and her immune system stays strong then we have hope for success. There are far too many unexplored options out there to ever consider quitting the fight. We still reserve the option of surgery to remove as much of the mass as possible while opting OUT of both chemo and radiation. This is like a war..... so if you can take several divisions of the enemy off the battle field..... your side has a better chance of success. If you hear of the success Susanne Sommers had with alternative therapy...... you need to read the fine print to discover that she gave the alternative therapy the advantage of having most of her cancer surgically removed before traveling to Germany for the treatment.

We thank you all for your support and prayers. Prayer too is a therapy whose value and effectiveness is all too often discounted by main stream medicine. We know it has value and works and we thank you for keeping Becky in your prayers.