Tuesday, March 16, 2010

#9 March Update

I apologize for not being more timely with posting here. Life has a habit of getting in the way sometimes. Also I managed to suffer a meltdown of the hard drive on my little laptop which meant DOOM for the months of research and dozens of bookmarked web sites we'd located. As they say... to err is human.... but to *really* screw things up takes a computer. I've been trying to recover as much lost stuff as possible but that takes almost as much work as finding it in the first place. I had a 350G backup drive attached and felt confident that would handle things. However.... I overlooked the fact that I used the failed drive as an excuse to upgrade the OS. End result? A backup made on Vista simply will not restore on a new drive running Windows 7. Live and learn.
So how is Becky doing? Actually..... rather well... thanks for asking! She has stopped with the Budwig protocol after her last visit to the doctor. After following another course she said she was tired of being sick all the time and indicated that she felt the Budwig protocol was the path to follow for her. I have learned not to doubt what ever little voice guides a person so we dropped everything except the Budwig protocol.
We also got a book by a gentleman named Bill Henderson. Bills first wife died of cancer and he's spent the last dozen years researching alternative cancer cures. Bill is retired from the Air force and leaves no stone unturned. He visits the folks who are administering the cures.... visits with patients past and present..... filters all that through reality and writes down what he thinks. I think he just saved me about a dozen years of research! Bill's own protocol is his synthesis of what he considers the most effective and least harmful treatments. He claims no fast ans easy cure but does say if you stick with it.... it will work. If not then call him and he'll work with you 1 on 1 to find something that does work for you.
Bill's protocol is based on the Budwig program. That is the base then he adds a specific group of supplements to that. Everything is natural and organic.... safe and gentle. Becky said yesterday that she feels better now than she has in years! More energy..... less tired..... no more stomach problems.... just doing amazingly well overall. We still juice vegetables weekly mostly because it's far easier for her to drink them than eat them all. She can toss back a glass of carrot juice in a minute where eating a bunch of carrots would take close to a hour. Same effect minus some fiber.
I think I have a link to Bill's web site on this blog..... but if not it will be there by the time you read this. Nothing harsh..... no drugs..... just diet and supplements. Unsaid but implied is the fact that a mental change also needs to be made. You simply cannot get well if you *think* that you cannot..... or that what you are doing won't work or isn't working. The human mind is still the strongest "drug" going and the best medicine on earth. Your body has little choice but to follow your minds intentions.... provided that those intentions are genuine. You can't fool your mind or your body. As soon as you *know* to the last cell in your body that you will beat the cancer..... you will. Becky seems to have that faith and mind set going for her now. Several months ago I could look at her breast and see the lump getting larger. While there is still a mass there... it's gotten no larger in the past two months.
We both know this is a marathon.... and a complete lifestyle change. It's how we are going to have to live from this point forward in order for her to be healthy. By default I guess I'm being dragged along to this healthier state too. While Becky has always loved her vegetables..... I'm the pack hunting carnivore. Give me MEAT! Oh well.....