Friday, January 15, 2010

#7 Treatment Caution!!!

Just a quick note this evening to warn of a treatment option Becky happened upon and decided to try. It involved dissolving baking soda in DMSO and applying the mixture to the skin. Since I didn't read anything about this method I can only assume that the purpose is to assist with alkalizing the body.

Initially the application was going just fine. The mixture was rapidly absorbed through the skin and all seemed well. However.... after about a minute Becky noticed a slight burning sensation. At that point it was simply and indication something was happening and not serious. Had the burning remained at that level things would have been okay.... but it didn't

The intensity of the burning sensation progressed until Becky was in tears. Soon small blisters began to appear anywhere the mixture had been applied. She took a cool to cold shower to help ease the pain but it was still quite some time before it was back down to a level she could tolerate comfortably.

No matter the intent of this "therapy" we STRONGLY advise against it! There are other methods to alkalize the body which do not involve the need for superhuman resistance to pain and don't generate blisters either.

A much better option is a 50/50 mix of Ionic Cesium Chloride and DMSO in a small spray bottle. If you wish to make this more soothing to the skin you can also mix in some Aloe Vera juice. (not gel) I'd start out with 50% Cesium 25% DMSO and 25% Aloe Vera juice if you want the skin care version.

Spray this on large open areas of the skin and rub it in until it is absorbed. Use rubber gloves if you are helping the person with cancer.... otherwise you will also be absorbing the mixture through your palms. While that likely would not cause any harm it's probably best to limit your exposure to the mixture.

If you do elect to use the spray on option count that is part of your daily dose of Cesium.... which should not exceed 2 tablespoons per day. You can either add the cesium to a drink of some type.... or spray it onto the skin..... or do both..... but keep track of how much goes where and DO NOT exceed the 2 tablespoons per day limit!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

#6 What's going on?

What's going on? Well we're still fighting! But it's like being in the first 10 seconds of the first round of a 15 round title bout. Time wise we've just started but there is a LONG way to go.

Last week Becky had blood work done at our local (unnamed) D.O. and those came back looking very good. She forgot to ask to have cholesterol checked so those numbers are an unknown. The other side of that coin is that she's gone just about 100% vegan in her diet that that has likely done a lot towards bringing down the numbers. (She was barely high at 203 to begin with) We can attest to the fact that she is no longer having to take Pepsid to get through the night and hasn't taken any Tums for several weeks either!

This past week (The 13th) she had an appointment with the oncologist at Baylor. The tumor is a bit larger... but we never expected it to just vanish overnight. The Dr. is still recommending Chemo.... but that's her job. To her credit she also acknowledges that it's Becky's decision to make and she is also okay with supporting us in our alternative therapy efforts. That attitude is the only reason we return to her.

We also learned that Becky's cancer is "Estrogen responsive" which means that we have to cut out part of her therapy. Part of what we'd been doing was something called the "Budwig Protocol." The base of the protocol is a mixture of flax oil and cottage cheese. However it turns out that Flax Oil is an estrogen stimulator.... so we've actually been giving the cancer something it needs..... feeding it. So now we have to sort through her entire diet and make sure we eliminate any other estrogen stimulator items.

We are still using the Cesium therapy but we think that Becky's body has reached it's saturation point for the mineral. Even just a little bit more of the substance causes her to be on the verge of throwing up most of the day and seems to drain her of energy. Cut back just a little and she feels much better and has lots of energy. So it has become a delicate balancing act to get her dose rate just right.

She also came across an experimental method which uses liquid vitamin C and B-12 in a ratio of 2:1 which is injected near the tumor. According to the research this method seems to promote the breakup of the tumor. I have not yet read the information so this is 2nd hand stuff.

Based on that information what I wonder is this: What would happen to the cancer IF a small amount of the cesium solution were injected directly into it? In pondering that the downside I can visualize is that there would then be a region of dead cancer cells trapped inside the walls of the tumor..... which might not be a good thing. It would seem that key to making any sort of progress is breaking down the extra thick protein wall that the cancer hides behind. Thus it follows that increasing the amount of free enzymes circulating in the body. To accomplish that it is necessary to take Bromelain, Papain and Protease. All of those enzymes aid in breaking down proteins. We have added extra enzymes to her daily routine.

Otherwise we are attempting to maintain a normal daily routine. Becky continues to work every day that she does not have a Doctors appointment. The bills have started rolling in and they are staggering. Bear in mind that we have NOT had ANY cancer treatments at Baylor. All we've had there is testing and consultations. Yet in slightly less than 2 months the bill is already just over $19,000!! And people still wonder why there has not yet been found a "cure" for cancer? Consider this.... on any given day there are more people employed in "treating" cancer than HAVE cancer! The ratio is nearly 4 to 1. As I said back in the first post.... Treating cancer is BIG business..... curing it is not.

Lastly a new link has been posted to the Blog. Cancer Tutor is a huge vault of information! Between that and the essense of life site it is almost information overload. However.... in this battle you cannot have too much good information.