Sunday, November 29, 2009

How did we get here?

This is the continuing story of one American couple and their battle against cancer. Perhaps more importantly it's the story of how we got to this point and where we're headed from here. You may see yourself in the background portion of this work.

Being Americans we live in a blessed land where fast and easy have become a way of life for almost everyone. Sadly this desire for everything right now has gotten us into deep trouble. Even more sad is the collusion between large drug companies and the FDA and other Government agencies. Money talks and Government listens.

The simple truth is that our fast paced lifestyle has given us the gift of cancer and the drug companies have exploited that gift for decades. New cures for cancer pop up all the time and quickly vanish from our landscape never to be heard of again. Seriously. Can you actually believe that in the past 125 years there has been no better treatment options than the traditional chemotherapy, radical surgery and radiation? (Poison, mutilate & burn) We don't either.

Why is that? It's simple really. Drug companies know that they can't patent mother nature. Most alternative therapy options are very inexpensive.... typically under $200 a month. Oppose that with the $3500 to $10,000 a bag for one chemotherapy treatment and it's easy to see why there aren't any alternatives available. Simply put... alternatives don't pay. Cancer is big business! Notice I didn't say curing cancer is big business. They don't want to cure you. They want to treat you because treatment = profit. I know that sounds cold to the average American but as you keep reading I'm going to open your eyes to reality and it's going to upset you.

The other thing we're going to talk about here is lifestyle and how that affects us and makes us more prone to disease of all types. Notice the word disease. Dis - ease. Not at ease or not normal. That says a lot right there. Disease is simply the body NOT being normal.

When you visit your doctor how often are you prescribed a pill or two? Nearly always! What just happened? Medicine is trying to mask a symptom rather than find and correct the underlying cause of the symptom. When was the last time your doctor evaluated your lifestyle and eating habits? When was the last time you heard your doctor say to cut out the fast foods and give fresh fruits and vegetables a try? Probably never. Nature is FREE! Medicine pays the bills.

People from Japan are some of the most healthy and longest living people on the planet. Their basic diet has changed little over thousands of years. However over the past 25 or so years there is a greater influx of western concepts and fast food outlets. The incidence of disease of all type including cancer parallels this influence. Bring a person from Japan to America and, if they adopt our way of living, they very quickly begin to fall prey to all the same maladies we suffer from. In other words, our lifestyle is killing us.

Though religion often comes under fire these days the bible is a good place to start looking for answers. No, I'm not a religious nut job either. While I have read the bible from cover to cover we only attend church once a year during the Christmas season. We go to hear a live performance of Handel's Messiah. Other than that we simply try to live a good life. You can say that we're spiritual but with no particular religious affiliation.

In reading the bible it talks about money management more than sin. In second place is diet. Read Ezekiel 4:9 and you'll find a recipe for bread! Diet tips are everywhere. Mostly though it boils down to eating the things God gave us in the form they are given as much as possible. Fruits and vegetables eaten raw whenever possible... or cooked as little as possible. This is something we all instinctively know to be correct but still we fail to listen to that little voice which is trying to guide us.

The last thing to think about is that our bodies are generating "cancer" cells all the time. Basically a cancer cell is just a damaged version of a normal cell. Usually our immune system will detect these altered cells and eliminate them. But from time to time they will be more resistant to the immune system... or the immune system is too degraded to mount a good defense. Then a pocket of these abnormal cells bind together. They build a protein wall around themselves and generate their own environment. Behind their protective wall cancer cells are invisible to the immune system and are free to multiply like crazy.

At this point even a strengthened immune system is of little good but it helps none the less. So key to any effective therapy is to get the immune system as strong as possible and maintain it. This is traditional medicines main failing. The first thing they want to do is Chemotherapy which poisons the whole body and destroys the immune system. How can your body be expected to fight off cancer when it no longer has a working immune system? No matter what conventional medicine says.... at this point you've lost the battle and it's just a matter of time.

The numbers might look good for traditional therapy but numbers can be deceiving. For example, survival rates are calculated from the date the cancer is diagnosed to a point 5 years out from that date. Why 5 years? Well because most people will survive 5 years even without treatment of any kind! Most can manage to survive Chemo and radiation that long too. And so if you are still alive after 5 years you are declared cured! If you drop dead 5 years and 1 day later you're still officially cured! Some cure, huh?

In our case we've elected to avoid traditional therapy and use alternatives instead. I'll provide detailed background information and other data as this progresses. Also provided will be links to various web sites which we have found handy and informative. Our plan is to utilize a rotating series of protocols so as to never give the cancer an opportunity to adapt to any one. All the therapies we've elected to utilize are fairly inexpensive and readily available over the Internet. Some are as close as your garden should you have one. All will be detailed.

As our story unfolds I'll give background history as well. Some people simply have a genetic predisposition for cancer. This is the case with Becky. However simply having a predisposition for something doesn't always mean you will get it. It just means that you are more likely to if you do all the wrong things like we have. Had we done things differently she may have avoided this altogether. Also had she not tried to hide the lump in her breast we would have been able to intervene much sooner and been rid of it by now. But that, as they say, is all water under the bridge. It's what we do from this moment forward that matters now.